Meet Our Team
Board of Directors

Chair/President: Greg S. Carroll
Greg has been helping people since he was a child. Professionally he studied Energy Healing modalities for 23 years. He has over 23 years of experience as an Empathic Intuitive Life Coach, 32 years of experience as an entrepreneur and business management experience, and 13 years as a professional action sports team manager. His biggest achievement is being blessed to be a loving father. Greg views wellness whole-istically. He assesses health by tracking the alignment of the mind, body and spirit. The balance of the three is essential for good health and relates not only to internal health (relationship to self) but also to external health (relationship to others and the world around us). Greg believes that all illnesses have a spiritual/energetic origin based in trauma that has been experienced. Trauma energetically imprints a person and if left unhealed or unattended can develop into a chronic emotional, mental or physical condition. Greg is here to help heal those traumas. Website: www.creatingyounow.com

Secretary: Luana Ogi
Born and raised on the island of Hawaii 66 years ago. I was blessed to be part of a hard-working local family that was very focused on education. From the age of 12, I attended a boarding school for Hawaiians, which was a privilege. However, it was at times difficult. The following years included attending college in California and directly from there worked in Japan for 6 years. Finally, at the age of 30, I returned home where I eventually answered my calling as a caseworker/ investigator of child abuse and elder abuse. 20 years passed quickly, and I knew it was time to retire. Time has come to embrace other adventures and continue my designed mission which includes serving others as needs arise. To bless others with gratitude.

​Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer: Kerry Jehanne
​For 13 years, Kerry has been a practitioner of transformational wellness modalities. She holds a deep passion for her work and tender compassion for her clients. Her offerings include wellness-related lectures and workshops. Kerry wrote the books, “The Devil's Yoga: A Woman's Journey from Entrapment to Freedom” and “The Mystery of Judas.” Kerry is a contributing author and editor to the book, “Pathways of Intentionality: Breaking Open into the Vastness of Devotion.” She holds a BS in Environmental Studies from SUNY ESF and an MPS in Adult Education from Cornell University.
Administrative and Direct Service

Program Services Director: Krishna Guadalupe ​
Krishna has been in the field of human/social services for over 30 years. His primary focus has been individual/community wellness as it relates to addressing and restoring from addictions, mental health challenges, and traumatic experiences. While accomplishing a number of professional achievements (i.e., Ph.D., university professor, author of a number of writings, national and international workshop facilitator, development of diverse programs, etc.), Krishna stresses that the space where he feels the most at home is being in communion with others / direct servicing "human relatives" in need.
Some of our Community Sponsors

Pat Sellers
Pat has years of experience being of services to others. One of her greatest objectives is the creation of a planet where people understand and honor human interdependence. Being a part of Relationships with Purpose is a way that she hopes to contribute toward the achievement of such an objective.

Roberto Paez
Roberto is a long-time resident of the Sacramento community, having lived and worked in the area since 1982. Roberto’s interest in helping alleviate the concerns of the homeless stems from his lifelong commitment to affirming social justice and advancing the potential of the human family.
Some of our Volunteers


