Why Do We Exist?
It is well known that our individual and collective wellness is significantly influenced by our interactions within the contexts of diverse relationships. We are born into relationships. Through relationships, we experience our existence.
Relationships with Purpose holds the standpoint that we, as humans, are connected. While we may not be responsible for another person’s actions, we do have a responsibility to each other. The words that we speak and actions that we take have ripple effects. Thus, individuals, groups, families, and communities served through Relationships with Purpose are identified as Relatives, not clients, patients, members, or consumers. Relationships with Purpose holds the belief that humanity is a big complicated interdependent family constellation where diverse forms of interactions, influenced by conscious or unconscious intentionalities and distinctive behaviors, create different outcomes.
At Relationships with Purpose, we serve as a form of “Paying it Forward.” Many of us have encountered life circumstances where others have extended a hand and we have successfully confronted and overcome adversities. We entertain the notion that a supportive environment and available/accessible resources can foster wellness.
Relationships with Purpose exists to address challenges faced by Relatives (i.e., unhomed individuals, those at risk of losing their place of residence or living in harmful housing conditions, and/or newly rehomed, often encountering poverty, mental challenges, addictions, and any form of traumatic experiences). Our belief is that our homes do not only provide shelter, but also a degree of protection, a sanctuary, a sense of establishment, a sense of safety. Maintaining or regaining a home is impacted by multiple factors that need attention if the ultimate goal is health and wellness.
In order to carry on our mission, Relationships with Purpose understands that services provided need to be reliable, comprehensive, and multifaceted. Our integrative model of service combines principles of restorative justice (i.e., transformative, collaborative, nourishing, and accountable relationships) and trauma reflective practices (i.e., a person-centered framework aimed at acknowledging, understanding, and responding to the effects of all types of traumatic experiences, promoting physical, psychological and social safety) while fostering asset base/empowerment opportunities.
Relationships with Purpose values purposeful relationships that inspire, support, and encourage restoration. Thus, sitting, spending time in communion with our relatives, listening, and working in partnership mirrors our foundation for all services.
May we always walk in a humble way!
Love and blessings,
Krishna (Rainbow Buffalo), Founder