Comprehensive Services, Delivered in the Communities,
Not Behind a Desk
Relationships with Purpose relies on community outreach to build connections, asset-based assessment to promote learning, & partnership for restoring lives and transforming communities.
Through community outreach and asset-based assessment strategies, the needs and strengths of relatives to be served are identified; thus, making services community relevant and sensitive. Services focus on individuals and families who are unhoused, those at risk of losing their place of residence or living in harmful housing conditions, and/or newly rehomed, often encountering poverty, mental challenges, addictions, and diverse forms of traumatic experiences. While our services concentrate on adults, 18 years old and older, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, Relationships with Purpose also work in collaboration with other service providers to address children and youth’s needs. Here is a brief description of some of our major services:
Community outreach to build connections, asset-based assessment to promote learning, & partnership for restoring lives and transforming communities. Through community outreach (i.e., directly visiting areas where relatives are found as well as identifying and networking with other human / social service providers) and asset-based assessment strategies (i.e., directly encouraging relatives to share their views and experiences – strengths and challenges), services are planned, guided, and delivered. Partnership with relatives being served is vital for prompting culturally relevant / sensitive services.
Distribution of survival aid for unhomed youth / adult / families, including food, water, tents, sleeping bags, blankets, cots, twin mattresses, flashlights, tarps, clothing, gloves, hats, socks, shoes, hygiene items, bicycles (as well as tools and bicycles parts in order to keep bicycles reliable and in good condition), among other needed items. Survival aid is a way to alleviate immediate needs.
​Note: It is well known that unhoused relatives and those newly rehomed have diverse immediate needs. There are a number of wonderful organizations in the Sacramento area directly assisting in multiple forms (see the section titled “Resources”).
Relationships with Purpose has found itself with a great demand for items such as cots and twin mattresses to be distributed to relatives facing arthritis, physical conditions, and other needs affiliated with aging. Besides tents (at least a 4 person tent for belongings to be kept inside), other items in high demand have been bicycles (for transportation to appointments and mobility), small dressers / storage containers to organized clothes and belongings, as well as trash bags for clean-ups.
In locations where areas get flooded, Relationships with Purpose has been able to build portable raised wooden desks to place tents on top as well as build outhouses in remote areas.
Creation of jobs. While assessing relatives’ needs and strengths, their abilities are identified (i.e., gardening, artistic capability, carpeting / carpentry / painting talents, mechanic skills, etc.), supported, and encouraged through coordination of resources and networking with the community at large.
~ We collect donations of old bikes and bike parts. When broken, several of the unhoused relatives that we serve, fix them for a fee, and then the bikes are donated to other unhoused relatives for transportation. If you have bikes or bike parts that you would like to donate or have a bike that needs fixing contact us.
~ Many of our unhoused relatives have artistic talents. If you are interested in purchasing some of their art pieces, contact us. All funds go directly to the relatives for their work.
~ Relationships with Purpose is constantly seeking to create or find job opportunities for relatives. We have been able to identify and ensure some jobs for some of the relatives that we have been working with (i.e., doing gardening and carpeting / carpentry / painting). While maintaining these jobs has often been challenging (i.e., unhoused relatives do not always have good night sleeps, clean cloths, and accessibility to showers, and transportation, etc), we have observed the determination and resilience while continuing to be persistent.
On an individual basis, life skills building (i.e., interview coaching, writing resume support; tips for managing one’s bank account; conflict and stress management approaches; self-care plans). Furthermore, practical life skills couching on asset–credit building and financial literacy are also provided.
Supportive case management. After an asset-based assessment, case managers work in collaboration with relatives in the establishment of service objectives, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of service effectiveness. Through supportive case management, relatives are linked to needed community services (i.e., housing, employment, general assistance programs, educational programs, substance abuse recovery programs, health programs, legal assistance programs, etc.) and supported through the process of networking and partnership building. Transportation or transportation vouchers are provided on an individual basis.
Relatives are supported with the acquisition of important documents (i.e., copies of birth certificates, social security cards, driver licenses, etc).
Organization and coordination of community events / networking with other programs (i.e., health – medical clinics; art classes; community gardening; bike fixing, recreational activities; peace circles / spiritually based ceremonies; visits to a hairstylist salon; portable shower services, etc.) intending to enhance individual – community health / wellness.
On an individual basis, supportive counseling sessions / trauma restorative services, addressing emotional and cognitive needs influenced by the effects of mental health challenges, addictions, life adversities, are provided by trained and experienced practitioners. A biopsychosocial - cultural - spiritual integrative lens is used.
Relationships with Purpose serves as an internship site for educational programs in the Sacramento and nearby areas. Students are interviewed and if found appropriate (i.e., emotional maturity, respect for unhoused / newly rehomed relatives, able to work in a team / ability to work independently, and willingness to learn and serve are unnegotiable requirements) become part of Relationships with Purpose’s volunteer program. See section on “Way to Get Involved.”