Our Mission, Vision, Core Values, & Objectives
“Relationships with Purpose” is a charitable 501 (c) 3 nonprofit multiservice organization promoting a sense of purpose, opportunities to become self-sufficient, and wellness through supportive resources/relations for unhoused individuals, those at risk of losing their place of residence, those living in harmful housing conditions, and/or newly rehomed, often encountering poverty, mental challenges, addictions, and any form of traumatic experiences.
Services affiliated to this mission include:
distributing supplies of needed items to make the lives of our unhoused / newly rehomed relatives a bit more comfortable while addressing life challenges;
supporting relatives with the acquisition of important documents (i.e., copies of birth certificates, social security cards, driver licenses, etc);
emotional / counseling supportive services; and
community networking to connect our relatives with housing, jobs, and health resources, to mention a few.
Through an integrative social/mental health/trauma restorative wellness service model, “Relationships with Purpose” foresees the encouragement and strengthening of healthy – cherished – thriving – sustainable individuals and communities.
It is understood that relatives being served through "Relationships with Purpose" often experience diverse physical / cognitive / socioeconomic challenges. Thus, the integrative model utilized relies on the following driven strategies as initial and fundamental responses:
Ongoing listening and rapport building.
Establishment of purposeful relationships with relatives served and other human / social services providers.
Exploration and recognition of causes and effects of diverse challenging life circumstances.
Engagement in responses / services that fully integrate relevant knowledge, skills, appropriate resources, and course of actions.
Encouragement and promotion of preventive approaches that sustain prolongation of wellness.
Seven Core Values: ​
Everyone Matters: being mindful of the impact of connection and relationships.
Respect: relationships and services that mirror reverence and honor.
Integrity: reliable and trustworthy services.
Authenticity: honesty and transparency/union between the organization’s ideals and actions.
Reflection: contemplation before action (a conscious prayer).
Courage: commitment to the promotion of wellness.
Service: dedication to fostering partnership, teamwork, and collaboration while restoring communities.
Major Objectives:
To engage in community outreach and asset-based assessment in order to understand the specific needs and strengths of individuals/families being served.
Distribution of survival aid for the unhomed youth/adult/families.
Organization, facilitation, and/or coordination of life skills/leadership services as well as community events to foster individual and community strengths/wellness.
Case management – connecting needs with community resources.
Supportive emotional/cognitive counseling services, addressing individual/family challenges while relying on their strengths.